Jan 27, 2024
Which Countries Trust (and Distrust) the UN?

What We're Showing
The level of trust the public in 28 countries have in the United Nations using Edelman's 2024 Trust Barometer Global Report. Nations at the top (in blue) have the lowest levels of trust in the UN.
Key Facts
- Japan and Argentina have by far the lowest levels of trust in the UN
- African and Asian nations tended to have higher levels of trust in the UN
- The U.S. and China have very different views on the UN, with the latter holding a much more positive view
Additional Context
It's worth noting that views within countries can differ significantly. Separate data on this topic from Pew Research shows that people's opinion of the UN is split along ideological lines. In the U.S., there's 45 percentage point difference, with more conservative respondents having significantly lower trust in the UN.