Feb 3, 2025
💰 Ranked: U.S. Industries Where Companies Are Most Profitable

What We’re Showing:
This chart ranks the top U.S. industries by their average net profit margin in 2024.
Data is sourced from Damodaran Online, a database maintained by Aswath Damodaran, faculty at the NYU Stern School of Business.
ℹ️ Please visit the source tab for links to methodology, sources, and definitions.
🚬 Big Tobacco is Still Making Big Bucks
Big Tobacco's business model is still thriving.
Briefly broken down:
- Companies sell an inexpensive and addictive product to a loyal customer base
- Tobacco farmers have little bargaining power, keeping costs low
- An advertisement ban prevents new players from entering the market
And while adult smoking rates are trending downward in the U.S., emerging markets are more than offsetting U.S. sales declines.
As a result, the U.S. tobacco industry 32 cents in profit for every dollar earned in revenue.