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💰 Ranked: U.S. Industries Where Companies Are Most Profitable

💰 Ranked: U.S. Industries Where Companies Are Most Profitable

What We’re Showing:

This chart ranks the top U.S. industries by their average net profit margin in 2024.

Data is sourced from Damodaran Online, a database maintained by Aswath Damodaran, faculty at the NYU Stern School of Business.

ℹ️ Please visit the source tab for links to methodology, sources, and definitions.

🚬 Big Tobacco is Still Making Big Bucks

Big Tobacco's business model is still thriving.

Briefly broken down:

  1. Companies sell an inexpensive and addictive product to a loyal customer base 
  2. Tobacco farmers have little bargaining power, keeping costs low
  3. An advertisement ban prevents new players from entering the market

And while adult smoking rates are trending downward in the U.S., emerging markets are more than offsetting U.S. sales declines.

As a result, the U.S. tobacco industry 32 cents in profit for every dollar earned in revenue.