Thank you for your interest in Voronoi, the world’s home for data storytelling. Here are some of the most common questions we receive:

Q: Can anyone post content on Voronoi?

A: For now, only approved Creators can post content on Voronoi. Learn how to become a Creator here.

Q: Is Voronoi available on iOS/Android?

A: Voronoi is available on both iOS and Android.

Q: Who created Voronoi?

A: Voronoi was created by the team at Visual Capitalist, the world leader in data-driven storytelling.

Q: What does the name Voronoi mean?

A: The app is named after a specific type of visualization called the voronoi diagram. This type of diagram displays polygons of various sizes within a defined shape, with the area of each polygon representing a value (similar to how treemaps and pie charts work).

This type of diagram is named after Georgy Voronoy, the mathematician who introduced the concept of tessellations.