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Native Americans Have the Highest Poverty Rate in America

Native Americans Have the Highest Poverty Rate in America

What We’re Showing

This chart lists the rate and number of Americans below the poverty level, categorized by self-selected race.

Data was sourced from the American Community Survey 2022, conducted by the Census Bureau. For this chart only single race selections have been visualized.

Key Takeaways

  • Around one-in-five Native and Black Americans are below the poverty threshold in America.
  • By contrast, less than one-in-ten Americans who identify as white are poor.
  • However, by absolute numbers they still make up the largest group (19.5M).
  • America’s country-wide poverty rate is at 12%, or about 41 million people.

What defines the poverty level?

The Census Bureau uses a set of income thresholds that vary by family size and composition to determine the poverty line.

If a family's total income is less than the calculated threshold, then that family and every individual in it is considered in poverty.