EpiPens in the U.S. Are Extremely Expensive

What we’re showing
The estimated price for an EpiPen in major markets around the world. These figures were compiled by World Population Review, with prices converted to USD as of 8/24/2023.
EpiPens are auto-injectors that contain epinephrine, a drug that can treat or reverse severe allergic reactions, potentially preventing death.
Why are U.S. prices so high?
After acquiring the rights to produce EpiPens in the U.S., Mylan (now a part of Pfizer) raised the cost of a two-pack to $600 (up from about $60 in 2007).
Heather Bresch, who was CEO at the time, defended the price hikes to Congress, claiming that her company did not make much profit from emergency allergy shots. Mylan would eventually pay a nine-figure settlement to the U.S. government.
Making EpiPens more affordable
Several U.S. states are working on measures to make EpiPens more affordable. For example, the Colorado House approved a price cap on epinephrine at $60, which is now under consideration by the state Senate.